If you are using ConfigMgr 2012 (or one of the plugins hi-jacking the infrastructure – such as Parallels) to manage the Mac OSX devices there are some caveats to the ordinary guide of both from Symantec on howto install the Symantec Endpoint Protection aswell as the Microsoft guide “How to Create and Deploy Applications for Mac Computers in Configuration Manager”. Mouse over Symantec Endpoint Protection and choose Open Symantec Endpoint Protection from the menu. Once the application has opened, click Symantec Endpoint Protection in the top left of the screen. It is located at the far left of the menu bar near the Apple icon. Choose About Symantec Endpoint Protection from the drop down menu.
Symantec Endpoint Protection Price
Topics Map > DoIT Help DeskThis document describes how to run a full virus scan with Symantec Endpoint Protection (version 12).
Running a Full Scan
Click the Symantec QuickMenu in the upper-right corner by the clock. The icon is a yellow circle with a check mark.
Hover over Symantec Endpoint Protection, and select Open Symantec Endpoint Protection.
Click LiveUpdate Now to install updates.
After clicking the LiveUpdate button, LiveUpdate will run and update your virus definitions file. Once the LiveUpdate screen disappears, your definitions will be up to date, and you can run a scan.
Uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection Mac
Following is information about the status of known university-wideOS X 10.10 Yosemite issues at Indiana University.
Symantec Endpoint Protection For Mac
Symantec Endpoint Protection For Mac Yosemite National Park
Application | Issue description | Workaround |
IU Secure | Some people have reported difficulties staying connected to IUSecure. | |
DHCP registration | You may experience long delays or timeouts when registering to DHCP. | If you have Firefox or Chrome, register to DHCP with one of those instead of Safari. |
To reinstall or recover Yosemite, you must have an active Internetconnection. | If you are on campus at IU, UITS recommends using the wired Ethernet network instead of wireless. However, if IU Secure is your only option, see Connect to an IU wireless network in macOS if booted from your Recovery HD Once you have Yosemite installed, you can use IU Secure normally (e.g., for installation of software updates). | |
ADS-joined Macs that shut down due to a power outage may not be able to complete the startup process once power is restored. | Start the computer from the recovery partition and choose the option to reinstall Yosemite. | |
Microsoft Lync 2011 | After upgrading to Yosemite, Microsoft Lync 2011 14.0.9 may beunable to stay connected. | |
Citrix Receiver | Citrix Receiver doesn't launch properly. | Make sure you have the latest supported version installed andproperly configured; see Set up and use IUanyWare |
Older versions of Symantec Encryption Desktop are not compatiblewith Yosemite. | ||
Microsoft System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection | SCEP will report a failure during installation on Yosemite. | Even though the installation reports a failure, it may functionanyway. If SCEP is installed before upgrading to Yosemite, it may alsocontinue functioning. |
Symantec Endpoint Protection | Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.4 and earlier are not compatiblewith Yosemite. | Update to at least Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.5, but see Recommended antivirus software at IU. |
Boot Camp | Boot Camp no longer offers driver support forWindows Vista. | Install Windows 7 or later. |
PowerPC applications | PowerPC applications do not run in OS X 10.10. IU no longer distributes any PowerPC applications, but some users may still have older versions of software installed on their system (e.g., versions of Microsoft Office older than 2008); these will no longer work. |