Make A Startup Dsk For Mac El Capitan


Make your work go faster with these OS X El Capitan keyboard shortcuts. Print this chart and refer to it while using OS X El Capitan. Command Keyboard Shortcut Add Selected Item to Sidebar Command+Control+T Add Selected Item to Dock Command+Control+Shift+T Close All Windows Option+Command+W Close Window Command+W Copy Command+C Cut Command+X Duplicate. Oct 07, 2015 Making The Bootable El Capitan USB Drive. We’re all here for one thing, so lets dive right in at the deep-end and get started with the process. We first of all need the OS X El Capitan installer that we alluded to as part of the “Pre-Requisites” above. Launch the Mac App Store and search for El Capitan. Mar 24, 2020  OS X El Capitan El Capitan downloads as a disk image. On a Mac that is compatible with El Capitan, open the disk image and run the installer within, named InstallMacOSX.pkg. It installs an app named Install OS X El Capitan into your Applications folder.

Repair the Drive for El Capitan

  1. Restart the computer and after the chime hold down the Command and R keys until the Utility Menu appears.
  2. Select Disk Utility and press the Continue button.
  3. Then select the indented (usually, Macintosh HD) volume entry from the the side list.
  4. Click on the First Aid tab in the toolbar and wait for the Done button to activate. Click on it, then quit Disk Utility.
  5. Select Restart from the Apple menu.

Make a startup dsk for mac el capitan free

Make A Startup Disk For Mac El Capitan 10 11

If you have problems then please post a snapshot of what Disk Utility is showing on the screen. Your explanation is just too vague to be helpful.

To Post A Screen Shot

  1. Press Command-Shift-4 which will change the cursor to crosshairs.
  2. Hold down the mouse button and use the crosshairs to select the part of the screen you wish to capture.
  3. Release the mouse button and the image will be saved to your Desktop.
  4. Click on the Camera icon in the toolbar of the forum message editor.
  5. Drag the image onto the Choose File button and click on the Insert button.

Make A Startup Dsk For Mac El Capitan Download

The above is only useful when running Disk Utility from the running system. If you boot from the Recovery HD, then you will need to snap an image using an iDevice in order to post the image here.

Sep 12, 2016 4:23 PM