Developers are doing
great things with Swift.
SQL as well as other query languages are used with NoSQL databases. For our purpose, we will use NoSQL definition I have found in and I liked it very much. NoSQL is a set of concepts that allows the rapid and efficient processing of data sets with a focus on performance, reliability, and agility.
- Feb 26, 2020 Couchbase Lite for iOS and MacOS. Couchbase Lite is an embedded lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine. Couchbase Lite 2.x has a completely new set of APIs. The implementation is on top of Couchbase Lite Core, which is also a new cross-platform implementation of database CRUD and query features, as well as document versioning.
- ArangoDB is a distributed free and open-source database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScript extensions.
Swift is a fast and efficient language that provides real-time feedback and can be seamlessly incorporated into existing Objective-C code. So developers are able to write safer, more reliable code, save time, and create even richer app experiences.
Great apps
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More and more developers are incorporating Swift code into their apps. And some are even building all-new apps entirely in Swift.
Better performance
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Swift apps more than live up to the name. For instance, a common search algorithm completes much faster using Swift.
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Educators are adding Swift
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Colleges and universities that are incorporating Swift into their courses
- Aberystwyth University
- Borough of Manhattan
Community College - California Polytechnic State University
- Central Piedmont Community College
- Foothill College
- Full Sail University
- Houston Community College System
- Ingésup
- Lawson State Community College
- Mesa Community College
- Northwest Kansas Technical College
- Plymouth University
- RMIT University
- Southern Methodist University
- Stanford University
- Technical University of Munich
- Tecnológico de Monterrey
- University of California, Santa Cruz
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Swift is free and open source, and it’s available to a wide audience of developers, educators, and students under the Apache 2.0 open source license. We’re providing binaries for macOS and Linux that can compile code for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux. And to help Swift grow into an even more powerful language, we created a community where users can contribute directly to the Swift source code.
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Top Nosql Database
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Learn moreMany server based applications store data in relational databases whose data can be manipulated through SQL statements. Many different relational database engines exist that differ in many dimensions. Many offer scalability and performance, others are open source, others have a small footprint suitable for development and embedded deployments. The selection of a database engine is often driven by these dimensions along with what is suitable to use in one’s production environment.
The database engine chosen for production may not be overly suitable for development and unit testing. It may require setting up many servers to provide individual team members an environment in which they can develop without interfering each other. While one might want to simply develop using a database engine more suitable for a developer, there arises the problem that every database engine has its own Software Development Kit (SDK) for working with it. Typically each of these SDKs has its own Application Programming Interface (API). One way around this issue is to consolidate all of the database access code into as few files as possible. Thus making it easier to switch between database engines.
Swift-Kuery comes to provide a unified API for working with relational databases. It provides an SQL like abstraction layer above various database engine SDKs. The API is Swifty but at the same time very close to SQL. Swift-Kuery is easy to learn and consumable.
Swift-Kuery connects to specific database engines via plugins. Each plugin provides the connection to the actual database SDK along with any changes needed in the SQL query construction for the specific database.
At the moment there is one Swift-Kuery plugin available:
While Swift-Kuery is not an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), it is a great basis to build an ORM on.
The Basics of Swift-Kuery
The best way to describe how to work with Swift-Kuery is by demonstrating it with an example. For the purpose of our example we will use two tables that contain data about students and their grades in different courses. The first table, Grades, holds students’ grades per students’ ids and courses. Here is the layout of this table in our database:
Column | Type |
student id | integer |
course | character varying(40) |
grade | integer |
key | serial |
To work with this table using Swift-Kuery we need to create a class that describes this table. The created class has to be a subclass of the class SwiftKuery.Table. It has to have a field tableName
which contains the name of the table and one field per column in the table of the type Column.
How Do Nosql Databases Work
Here is the class describing the Grades table:
We need to create an instance and we are set:
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Let’s start with a simple
Here is how to build this query in Swift-Kuery:

Now let’s add some conditions, e.g., we only want grades above ninety in Chemistry:
Let’s try something a bit more complicated. Suppose we want to retrieve the average grades for courses with an average above ninety, and sort the results by the average ascending. Here is the SQL query we need to build:
Note, that we also round the average grades and alias this column in the result as “average”.
Here is how to create such query using Swift-Kuery:
As you can see, this is very similar to the SQL query syntax.
Suppose we have another table in our database called Students. This table lists the names of the students along with their student ids:
Column | Type |
name | character varying(100) |
student id | integer |
Let’s get the grades in Physics for all the students with the students’ names:
And in Swift-Kuery:
Here is how you insert new values with Swift-Kuery:
We insert a new grade, and get back a new autoincrementing key.
Let’s delete the grades of those students who are not in Students table:
Executing Queries
Until now we have only built queries, now we will also execute them on some database. For that purpose we need to connect to a database using one of Swift-Kuery plugins:
Once connected, we can run our query:
Queries with parameters
Inserting text directly into a query in the code may open us up to SQL Injection attacks. To avoid this problem, queries with parameters should be used. Parameters are values that are inserted when the query is executed and can’t change the clauses of the query.
Let’s go back to the Insert query we created before, and use parameters instead of values:
For PostgreSQL, Swift-Kuery will generate:

And for SQLite the generated query will be:
Please note the difference in the parameter markers for these two databases: PostgreSQL uses $
to mark parameters in queries, while SQLite uses ?
. Swift-Kuery and its plugins support such syntax differences between the databases. These differences are hidden from you, making it easier to migrate from one database engine to another.
Now let’s see how to pass the actual values:
Next steps
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Now that you know how to create and execute SQL queries using Swift-Kuery, you can integrate the backend of your application with relational SQL databases.
Sql And Nosql Database
For a detailed example on how to work with Swift-Kuery, see the blog Creating a Bookstore application: Interface to SQL and its related github project Bookstore.